Thursday, June 2, 2011

Microsoft Office 2007 variability

I remember the first time I laid eyes on Microsoft Office2007. It was love at first sight because everything looked so elegant. A second point of view, I was a little lost in the menu buttons to the new ribbon. I knew there was a bit of a learning curve ahead of me. Although they have come to dominate in short order, I must admit it took some time to adjust. I "| but there were few (and are) found the learning curve a bit steeper than accustomed to pre-2007 classic interface, which struggled with the new .. puzzling to most, I guess.

Necessity is the mother of invention, so someone thought up UBitMenu (and, fortunately, did free!)

UBitMenu is a small plug-in for Microsoft Office 2007 (Excel, Word and PowerPoint), which is Office 2007 displays a menu that ofice 2003 - Office2003 makeover. It can be added as a new tab in office for three 2007 applications.

Although you will use your old habits, do also understand that the new ribbon interface is designed to maintain control of the mind (take a quick look at the styles in the film). The ribbon interface allows access to the first level of the commands you use most often.

For example, I personally find the Ribbon interface, improved support in MS PowerPoint. A point to remember is that the shortcut keys will continue to behave as they do in Office2007.

Office 2007 classic

* UBitMenu is based on standard Microsoft Office Add-in technology, so it integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office2007.

Are you still one of them (Office2007 has been for some time) who wished they could cut the ribbon and make Office 2007 look like standard Office 2003 on Windows XP? Then, just to see the usefulness of this little program. Give us your sense freewheel in the comments below.